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Creating The Workplace: Which Furniture Should I Get?

When turning empty office space into an actual work-space for your employees to come in and use, you might think furniture shopping is easy. After all, it's just desks and chairs, right? But no - that would be far too simplistic! There are a number of important considerations when giving your employees their own spaces to work from: what furnestival types to invest in - if any; how much room there will be on each desk for the person using it; what height should the chair be so it's comfortable for whoever's sitting at it; and lots more! Office Furniture Essentials When outfitting your office, there are a few essential pieces of furniture you will need to create a functional and comfortable workspace. Here are some office furniture essentials to help you get started: -A desk: This is the most important piece of furniture in your office. It should be large enough to comfortably accommodate your work materials, but not so large that it dominates the space. Choose a desk

How can standing while working be beneficial for the health of people in today’s world?

Office desks manufacturer

Almost every office desks manufacturer has made standing desks available for several years, though they are becoming extremely popular because people have realized the advantages that the standing desk offers for the human body. Research has found that people who live an inactive life or keep sitting throughout their long working hours are likely to suffer from heat illness, shorter life expectancy and type two diabetes. This combination of signs is also known as sitting disease. Even worse, diet or exercise cannot simply counter the sitting’s long-term impacts. Standing during work, even for only half an hour at a time(at least four hours a day) could significantly affect the human body and health and it is not tough to do if you utilize the appropriate equipment, sometimes called standing desks help people stand during their work and change their posture during the day when they are working. This blog discusses the benefits of using standing desks below

1 Cut down back pain

Back pain is a pain that eighty percent of adults would suffer from during their lifetimes, and it is a great complaint of office employees who sit all day. Several researches have studied the effect of utilizing a standing desk on office employees with long-term back pain. The finding of a study conducted in 2011 was that participants who stood for an average of sixty-six minutes experienced a fifty four percent decrease in neck and upper back pain. In only over sixty minutes a day, the participants of that study achieved dramatic results. Think how important is standing while working. 

2 Cuts down the risk of heart illness

Researches have been exploring the advantages of standing for over six decades. In 1953, a research conducted on bus conductors explored that bus conductors standing throughout the day were very less susceptible to suffer from heart illness-related deaths than the bus drivers who remained seated throughout the day. Six decades later, a comparison of eighteen researches with almost eight hundred thousand participants reached the same conclusions like the original study conducted on bus conductors. The findings of that study were that an inactive lifestyle was responsible for a ninety percent rise in likelihood of cardiovascular mortality and a hundred and forty seven percent rise in the risk of cardiovascular problems as compared to an energetic lifestyle.

3 Cut down the risk of obesity and weight gain 

We all know that generally, people gain weight by consuming greater calories than their bodies are burning. During a study, over forty percent of office employees said that they have faced an increase in their weight in their existing job and fifty three percent of them stated that they thought that it was because of sitting at their office desk throughout the day. What if people can burn calories whereas working with no or little additional effort. By standing rather than sitting, people can cut down their chances of gaining weight by burning around fifty additional calories per hour. If people stood for one hundred and eighty minutes every working day it will equal out to seven hundred and fifty calories per week. During a whole year that will equal around the burning of  thirty thousand additional calories or around eight pounds of fat. As far as activity levels are concerned, they would be equal to running ten marathons per year. 

4 Decreases blood sugar levels and the likelihood of suffering from type two diabetes

While people are likely to experience a rise in blood sugar levels after consuming a meal, people with huge rises in blood sugar levels have a greater risk of suffering from diabetes. The increases in blood sugar levels are also connected to the poor health’s general sense. In 2013, a study conducted on ten office employees found that standing for one hundred and eighty five minutes following lunch lowered down the blood sugar levels of employees by forty three percent in comparison to sitting during the same time span. The subjects of that study also wore pedometers which were studied. The finding of the analysis of the pedometers was that there were no major changes in the physiological movements between those two groups. This tells us that the reduction in blood sugar levels was a function of sitting vs standing. 

Another research conducted on twenty three overweight office employees found that alternating every thirty minutes between sitting and standing decreased the spikes in the levels of blood sugar by an average of a little more than eleven percent. Researchers kept monitoring the physical activity and diet during the experiment. As highlighted by the above researches people can cut down the risk of diabetes and blood sugar rises by utilizing a standing office desk, no additional effort is needed. 

5 Gain energy and enhance mood

Increased sedentary time and sitting have increased the risk of both anxiety and depression. Therefore, people can claim that standing would increase happiness and enhance mood. During a study conducted in 2011, a group of two dozen employees were given a standing desk. The participants of that study self-reported enhanced mood states over a one month period where they lowered down the time spent sitting by sixty six minutes at an average. Interestingly enough, after the standing desks were removed, those participants stated they faced mood deterioration. This tells us that a standing desk must be a component of an entire adjustment in lifestyle to get its full advantages. 

6 Improve your productivity

A common concern amongst people interested in a standing desk is the capability to finish everyday tasks like answering phone calls or typing. Working while standing might require some time to become a habit, nevertheless it has not negatively impacted every day activities as per reports given by workers utilizing standing desks. The improvement in energy and mood and the decreases in the neck, shoulder and back pain will probably enhance mental alertness and productivity. Whenever the body is holistically better shaped, it performs its functions more effectively and it could be reasonably anticipated that this will consequently improve productivity. 


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